Friday, October 7, 2016

Glimpses of Greensburg: Part 1

Greensburg, Green County

The railroad tracks are gone now, but the Greensburg depot still stands.

The platform at the old depot

Detail of the platform

A footbridge across a ravine leads from the old depot to downtown Greensburg.

The Footbridge

Crossing the footbridge offers one a view of this amazing old pressed metal roof.

The old water works building, constructed by the WPA in the 1930's, is now the tourism center.

The old court clerk's office

The Greensburg Courthouse was built between 1802-1804.

Inside the historic Greensburg Courthouse

The state has designated all of downtown Greensburg a historic district.  Watch for
the next blog post to see more of this charming town.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Susan! You must be Carol's sister! My husband and I loved Greensburg, and we loved meeting Nan at the old courthouse. Thanks for visiting the blog, and I hope we get to meet you the next time we're in Greensburg.

  2. I love these photos of my loving hometown!

    1. Hi Mo! You have a lovely hometown! My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed our visit. Thanks for checking out the blog!


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